Tag Archives: Pilates

prevent injury this running season

Unlock Your Running Potential and Beat Injury for Good

Running is an excellent form of exercise that is easy to get into, is affordable, and has numerous health benefits.However, like any sport, it takes technique, time, and patience to master. Running injuries are also very common and can affect any runner from the elite athlete to the beginner to the weekend warrior. But don’t…

Need to reduce your stress levels? How Pilates improves your ability to handle stress.

For hundreds of thousands of years, stress has served as our body’s natural warning system.  When our caveman ancestors were exposed to potentially life-threatening events, it was stress that ignited their fight or flight response. Today, this fight or flight response still helps us manage threatening events.While a small amount of stress can be a…

How to Reduce Pain and Inflammation – 5 tips!

What Foods Should I Eat to Fight Pain & Inflammation? What is Pain and Inflammation? Most of us live with at least one painful and debilitating chronic condition, including arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and mental health conditions to name a few. Regardless of their cause and varied manifestations, they all have something in…

Easy guide to setting goals for 2021!

Let’s prioritise your health and wellbeing for 2021. New year new you!How to do this?A great way is by making goals for yourself. Think about specific aspects of your life in health that you want to achieve. Then narrow your goal down to create SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time…


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